About LinksTip.com
LinksTip.com is a server that provides an overview of the best current articles from the reputable sources of various countries. The articles are sorted on the basis of social intelligence, which is used in the algorithm as the popularity on the social network Facebook.com. The articles are arranged according to the date of publication, category, country and other aspects. Each article can be commented on or supported by sharing it or liking it and it does not depend on the publishing server.
Registered users have other benefits, above all the chance to build their own summary of the resources that they find of personal interest. Furthermore, the users can keep the article in their own library, etc... Each user of the LinksTip.com has the opportunity to comment on the articles with no respect on the source.
LinksTip.com is an international project, which nowadays gives the opportunity to view an overview of many interesting articles from countries like Czech Republic, Slovakia, the USA and UK.
LinksTip.com is multilingual. It is currently available in Czech, Slovak and English.
Over the past 5 days were on LinksTip.com added 2450 new articles from 643 sources.
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