Thumbnail image

Use the instructions below, you can easily ensure that the articles from your site will appear on illustrative images related to specific articles.

With regard to copyright only show images that are attached to the article. You can attach a picture to an article using several methods

Attach a picture in the RSS feed

Image may be attached using standard enclosure tag in the section in the RSS feed for Article (item). It may look like this:

<enclosure url="" type="image/jpeg"></enclosure>

The only mandatory attribute is a url that contains the full path to the image. It is also possible to add attributes type, which characterizes the type of file, or length, which indicates the size of an attachment in bytes.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<rss version="2.0">
 <title>Source Name</title>
 <link>Source URL</link>
 <description>Source Description</description>
  <title>Article Title</title>
  <link>Article URL</link>
  <description>Article Description</description>
  <pubDate>Sun, 19 Dec 2010 12:00:00 +0100</pubDate>
  <enclosure url="" type="image/jpeg" length="6517"></enclosure>


Attach a pictures in the article

The second option is to attach the image directly into the article. This is possible through the Open Graph Protocol. You can insert a URL path to the image to the source code through the article meta tag og:image (in the head). The advantage of annexing this picture is that if someone will share the article on the social networking site Facebook, as a preview of the defaults listed in the right image og:image. Between tags <head> and </head> you can insert the following tag:

<meta property="og:image" content="">


 <title>Page Title</title>
 <meta property="og:image" content="">
 <!-- page content -->


Similarly, it is possible to use meta tag image_src, which is structured as follows:

<link rel="image_src" type="image/jpeg" href="">