Zemřel Ladislav Potměšil (†75), hvězda Diskopříběhu i major Maisner! Poslední roky protrpěl

Zemřel Ladislav Potměšil (†75), filmový major Maisner nebo tatínek z Discopříběhů.  Poslední roky byly pro herce velmi bolestivé. Poté, co mu lékaři v roce 2016 na obratli našli metastázující nádor, následovaly tři operace, velmi obtížně chodil a většinu času trávil vleže v posteli. S rakovinou bojoval celkem třikrát, naposledy mu napadla kosti.

July 12, 2021, 11:58
A song of defiance: Ukraine's national anthem being heard all over the world

The Ukraine national anthem, the title translates to "Ukraine is not yet lost," is being sung around the world in protest of the Russian invasion.       

February 26, 2022, 21:22
Orbán mieri k drvivému víťazstvu, za protivníkov označil aj Zelenského či Sorosa

"Dosiahli sme obrovské víťazstvo. Ešte aj z Mesiaca ho vidieť, ale z Bruselu určite," povedal Orbán po maďarských voľbách.

April 4, 2022, 6:10
Svet prišiel o legendu: ZOMRELA speváčka Tina Turner (†83)!

ZURICH - Dnešný deň začal a aj končí mimoriadne smutnou správou. Vo švajčiarskom Zurichu zomrela vo veku 83 rokov legendárna speváčka Tina Turner. Skonala po dlhej chorobe!

May 24, 2023, 20:41
Kanye West's behavior is 'triggering' for those who have been in Kim Kardashian's shoes

Some fans have defended Kanye West's "disturbing" music video depicting the death of Pete Davidson, but experts say it's more serious.      

March 10, 2022, 21:24
Ronaldo 'not here for a vacation' as he targets Man Utd success

Cristiano Ronaldo is confident of bringing the glory days back to Manchester United as the Portugual forward insisted he is "not here for a vacation".

September 9, 2021, 21:33
Verstappen under investigation in fresh twist to F1 drama

F1 title leader Max Verstappen's front-row starting position at the Qatar GP is under threat after he was summoned to meet with F1 stewards ahead of Sunday's race for allegedly failing to slow for yellow flags on his final lap of qualifying.

November 20, 2021, 18:42
Verstappen under investigation in fresh twist to F1 drama

F1 title leader Max Verstappen's front-row starting position at the Qatar GP is under threat after he was summoned to meet with F1 stewards ahead of Sunday's race for allegedly failing to slow for yellow flags on his final lap of qualifying.

November 20, 2021, 18:42
Salah named FWA Men's Footballer of the Year

Liverpool forward Mohamed Salah has been named the Football Writers' Association Men's Footballer of the Year for 2021/22.

April 29, 2022, 11:00
Shane Warne dies aged 52

Legendary Australia cricketer Shane Warne has died at the age of 52.

March 4, 2022, 15:19