Freddie Freeman still hits doubles at a time they are dwindling. He's two shy of 500

Dodgers star Freddie Freeman is two doubles away from 500 in his career. Only 64 other MLB players have reached the doubles milestone.

3. 7. 2024 23:03
Travis Kelce's surprise bit on Taylor Swift's stage was his idea: 'Do not drop the baby' Travis Kelce's surprise bit on Taylor Swift's stage was his idea: 'Do not drop the baby'

Travis Kelce says it was all his idea to surprise an Eras tour audience by joining Taylor Swift onstage — and his years of football experience proved helpful.

3. 7. 2024 22:49
Pink cancels concert in Switzerland after consulting with doctor: 'So disappointed' Pink cancels concert in Switzerland after consulting with doctor: 'So disappointed'

Pink cancels a Bern, Switzerland, concert on her Summer Carnival Tour over an unspecified health problem. Last month, the singer said she had a stomach bug.

3. 7. 2024 21:56
Caitlin Clark, Angel Reese battled in college, pros. Now they will team up as WNBA All-Stars Caitlin Clark, Angel Reese battled in college, pros. Now they will team up as WNBA All-Stars

Rivals Caitlin Clark of the Fever and Angel Reese of the Sky will be teammates as WNBA All-Stars. Their team plays the U.S. Olympic squad before the Paris Games.

3. 7. 2024 21:07
D.W. Griffith stoked racism with 'Birth of a Nation.' A playwright imagines what happened next D.W. Griffith stoked racism with 'Birth of a Nation.' A playwright imagines what happened next

"Unbroken Blossoms" at L.A.'s East West Players explores the complicated history of the film director's follow-up, including the hiring of Chinese consultants to help a white actor play a Chinese man.

3. 7. 2024 22:58
Find a cooling station near you to beat the heat during the scorching holiday weekend Find a cooling station near you to beat the heat during the scorching holiday weekend

Cooling stations, including libraries and recreation centers, could save lives during the heat wave this holiday weekend.

4. 7. 2024 0:04
Peklo na zemi. Zápach a horko na indických skládkách ohrožuje sběrače odpadků Peklo na zemi. Zápach a horko na indických skládkách ohrožuje sběrače odpadků

Přes 700 000 obyvatel indického města Džammú je vystaveno hnilobnému zápachu hořících odpadků na skládce nacházející se na okraji města. Někteří lidé ale výparům a úmornému horku musí pravidelně čelit. Takzvaní sběrači odpadu v něm hledají cokoli, co by mohli následně prodat a v nejlepším případě si tak vydělat necelých 100 korun za den.

3. 7. 2024 23:43
Nikdo mě netlačí ven, tvrdí Biden. Po předvolební debatě ale v průzkumech nadále posiluje Trump Nikdo mě netlačí ven, tvrdí Biden. Po předvolební debatě ale v průzkumech nadále posiluje Trump

Náskok amerického exprezidenta Donalda Trumpa na současnou hlavu státu Joea Bidena po jejím nejistém výkonu v předvolební debatě narostl v průzkumech připravovaných pro list The New York Times (NYT) na šest procentních bodů. Deník ve středu napsal, že to je pro Trumpa nejlepší výsledek v sondážích NYT od roku 2015. Biden mezitím vzkázal členům své kampaně, že...

3. 7. 2024 23:26
So the Paramount and Skydance deal is back on track. What happened and what's next? So the Paramount and Skydance deal is back on track. What happened and what's next?

After Shari Redstone nixed David Ellison's proposed takeover, the tech scion and his partners continued to work to win over the Redstone family.

4. 7. 2024 0:23
Plaschke: LeBron James' new deal confirms the Lakers' offseason is a bust Plaschke: LeBron James' new deal confirms the Lakers' offseason is a bust

The end of LeBron James' career is similar to Kobe Bryant's final seasons, suggesting it may take years for the Lakers to contend for a another title.

4. 7. 2024 0:23